David Valdés

“Rapsodie Espagnole”, by Ravel

“Rapsodie Espagnole”, by Ravel. “Rapsodie Espagnole“, by Ravel, is not only an important work in the symphonic repertoire; it also features wonderfully written percussion parts. Sadly, both the score and the particelle are plaged with numerous mistakes and missprints that the first edition has perpetuated in many performances and recordings. Because I played this work… Continue reading “Rapsodie Espagnole”, by Ravel

“Scheherezade”, roll or articulate?

“Scheherezade”, roll or articulate? Despite being one of the milestones in the symphonic repertoire, “Scheherezade” features, believe or not, many mistakes and misprints. Belaieff (I have already mentioned him in previous articles) published the score and parts in 1899 in Leipzig. Since then, we have played using the exact same edition: 135 years perpetuating the… Continue reading “Scheherezade”, roll or articulate?

Timpani in “Messiah”.

Timpani in “Messiah”. We are getting very close to “Messiah season” so, why not having a look at this perennial classic?   This year I will be playing timpani for the Christmas concert while my colleagues are in the pit playing “Aida”. I have started preparing for the rehearsals and I have found some interesting… Continue reading Timpani in “Messiah”.

Tchaikovsky´s “Arabic Dance” – Articulate or roll?

Tchaikovsky´s “Arabic Dance” – Articulate or roll? Last December 27 my article on the tambourine part of Tchaikovsky´s “Arabic Dance” (from “The Nutcracker”) was published on the Grover Pro website. You can read it clicking on the banner below: Thank you very much to Svetlana Manakova for helping me to translate the Russian indications. …et… Continue reading Tchaikovsky´s “Arabic Dance” – Articulate or roll?

“Lieutenant Kije” and a peculiar tambourine technique

Lieutenant Kijé and a peculiar tambourine technique. On January 2, a new article of mine was published on the Grover Pro Percussion website. © Grover Pro Percussion Dealing with the very specific tambourine technique requested by Prokofiev in “Troika”, you can read it HERE. Tambourine part in “Troika”.     …et in Arcadia ego. ©… Continue reading “Lieutenant Kije” and a peculiar tambourine technique

Xylophone in Richard Strauss´ “Salome”

Strohinstrument. © Lefima

Xylophone in Richard Strauss´ “Salome”. We, percussionists, very often play on instruments that, in reality, are not those that the composer indicated. We have the keyboard xylophone in “Bluebeard“ (B. Bartok), a part impossible to play on a regular xylophone; the glockenspiel parts in many works (“Magic Flute”, Mahler #7, «Daphnis et Chloe», etc.), which… Continue reading Xylophone in Richard Strauss´ “Salome”

“Tavolette” in “Feste Romane”

Matraca. Fuente desconocida.

“Tavolette” in “Feste Romane”. At the end of the last season I was lucky enough to play “Feste Romane” (“Roman Festivals”) which, together with “Fountains” and “Pines”, form Ottorino Respighi´s “Roman Triptych”. It is a work featuring an exuberant, imaginative and brilliant orchestration. It requires a “percusive force” of one timpanist plus nine percussionists and, in… Continue reading “Tavolette” in “Feste Romane”

Editing timpani parts (II)

© David Valdés

Editing timpani parts (II). Continuing with the issue that we previously discussed, I´d like to show you my version of the “Sanctus” from Verdi´s “Requiem”.   The use of full range speakers or headphones is highly recommended.   You can legally and freely download the score and the parts here: IMSLP. © David Valdés This… Continue reading Editing timpani parts (II)